7th Grade U.S. Studies

This class will focus on United States history along with a strong emphasis on citizenship and government. Students will learn about people, issues and events of significance to this nation’s history from 1800 to current. Students will examine the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, and the Bill of Rights and Supreme Court decisions for their lasting impact on the American people, economy and government. Students will also create and use detailed maps of places in the United States and conduct historical research on a topic in the nation’s history.

BrainPOP Jr.



Three Branches of Government Game

Lemonade Stand game

Name that Founding Father!

History Live Lesson


Mission Statement
"To develop every learner to the learner's maximum potential, to succeed and continue to learn in a changing world."
131 Hickory Street North
Lester Prairie, MN 55354
PH: (320) 395-2521
FAX: (320) 395-4204
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